Safety aspects of housekeeping at injection molding plant
Safety aspects at injection molding plant
Generally, there would not be many accidents at the molding shop if all aspects of good housekeeping were strictly observed. In the pursuit of production, good housekeeping is often neglected, sometimes with disastrous consequences.
Oil spillage
It has already been mentioned that spills of granules on the floor have occurred and leakages of oil in the mold shop. Granules, oil, and water are often combined in the mold shop. Oil spillage on the floor for hours or even days can be almost lethal. Many contractors get the idea that rags and sawdust will absorb oil spills, but the fact is that this does not work. The only thing you need to start a serious fire is a cigarette end or a spark. Oil can be soaked up with proprietary materials, which render it almost non-flammable, but it is best not to spill oil in the first place. When water leaks occur during maintenance work, it is recommended to use drip trays to avoid this kind of hazard. If...