The complete guide to over molding  

Whether you’re in need of a custom mold for a new product or looking to improve your current manufacturing process, over molding is likely the answer. Over molding is a process that involves injection molding a plastic substrate, which is then followed by injection molding of a different material on top of the first layer. The result is two dissimilar materials bonded together to create one finished product. Not only does over molding have the ability to improve the function, quality and aesthetics of your product, but it can also save you time and money in the manufacturing process.

In the plastics industry, over molding is a process in which one material is molded over another. This can be done with various materials, including metals, thermoplastics, and thermosets. Over molding can be used to create products that are stronger and more durable than those made with a single material. It can also be used to improve the aesthetics of a product by creating a two-tone effect or hiding imperfections in the underlying material.

Introduction: What is over molding?

Over molding is a type of plastic injection molding. It is a process in which two or more different materials are combined to create one product. The most common over molded products are toys, medical devices, and electronic components.

In plastic injection molding there are two types of molds- single cavity and multi-cavity. Single cavity mold is used to make one at a time while multi-cavity mold is used to make more at a time. Overmolding is a process that combines multiple materials or multiple colors into a single part. It is accomplished by using a secondary injection molding process on top of the primary injection molded part. This results in an integrated bond between the two materials, which cannot be achieved with mechanical fastening methods alone.

There are two main types of over molding: insert molding and sandwich molding. Insert molding involves combining a substrate with an over-molding material. Sandwich molding, on the other hand, involves combining two substrates with an over-molding material in between them.

The benefits of over molding

Over molding has many benefits compared to other manufacturing processes. It can be used to create complex shapes that would be difficult or impossible to create with other methods. It can also improve the strength and durability of a product. Additionally, over molding can be used to add color or texture to a product. 

Increased Strength and Durability.

Over molding can create products that are stronger than those created with other methods. The extra layers of material in the over molding process make a product much more resistant to damage and breakage from drops, impacts and other kinds of accidents.

Improved Aesthetics.

Over molding is a process that can be used to improve the aesthetic appeal of a product. In over molding, a material is molded over another material, typically a substrate. This can be done using different colors or textures of materials to create a desired effect.

Over molding can be used to create a more finished look for a product, as well as to add ergonomic features. For example, over molding can be used to create a soft-touch surface on a product that will be handled frequently. This can make the product more comfortable to use and improve its overall appearance.

new functionality to a product.

For instance, over molding can be used to add electrical components to a product that did not previously have them. This can open up new possibilities for how the product can be used.

Enhanced Functionality.

Over molding can also be used to add new functionality to a product. For instance, over molding can be used to add electrical components to a product that did not previously have them. This can open up new possibilities for how the product can be used. 

Increased Productivity

If you're looking for ways to be more productive, over molding may be the answer. Over molding is a process that can be used to improve the productivity of your business. It can be used to increase the number of products produced per hour. You could make 2 injection molding process at one mould and one time.

Reduced Costs

Over molding can also help to reduce your costs. By combining the two processes, you can use less material for both the original product and the over-molded product. You will also be able to produce more products per hour with over molding. The ability to produce more products per hour using over molding not only cuts down on costs, but it also increases your production and sales.

Improved Environmental Impact

Over molding is a versatile manufacturing process that can be used to improve the environmental impact of products. Over molding can be used to recycle and/or reuse plastics that have been collected through waste recycling programs. Overmolding also allows manufacturers to use more eco-friendly materials.

The process can be used to reduce the amount of material used in a product, or to recycle scrap material into new products. Over molding can also be used to create products that are more durable and last longer, which reduces the need for replacement products and the associated environmental impacts.

The process of over molding

Over molding is the process of creating a new object by molding it around an existing object. This can be done with many different materials, but the most common are plastics. Over molding is often used to create new products that have a better grip, or to add a layer of protection to an existing product.

Over molding is a manufacturing process that involves molding two or more materials together. The first material is typically a substrate, such as plastic or metal. The second material is molded over the first material to create the desired product. Over molding can be performed with a variety of different materials, including plastics, rubbers, and metals.

The first step in over molding is to create a mold of the existing object. This can be done with a 3D printer or by hand. The new material is then injected into the mold and left to set. The resulting product has a better grip than the original, but is also more durable. In some cases, over molding can be used to repair a damaged object.

Over molding applications

Over molding is a type of injection molding that can be used to create products with two or more different colors or materials. It is often used to create products with a hard outer shell and a softer inner core, or to add a decorative element to an otherwise plain product. Over molding can be done with two different types of molding machines: horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal over molding is the most common type of over molding, as it is faster and easier to set up than vertical over molding. In horizontal over molding, the two halves of the mold are opened horizontally, and the molten plastic is injected into one half of the mold. The other half of the mold is then closed onto the first half, and the two halves are cooled together.

In vertical over molding, the mold is opened vertically, and hot plastic is injected into one half of the mold. The other half of the mold remains open while the first half cools down. As soon as it has cooled enough to touch, it is closed onto the first half. Over molding is typically used to create a more aesthetically pleasing product, or to add features to the product that were not possible with the original mold. For example, in over molding smartphone cases, a manufacturer may add buttons or other features onto an existing case.


Over molding is essential because it provides strength and support to products that would otherwise be weak and vulnerable. It also allows for the creation of complex shapes and designs that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with other manufacturing methods. Over molding is a versatile and reliable manufacturing process that should be considered for any product that needs to be strong and durable.


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