Guidelines and Pitfalls to Consider When Presenting Your Product Idea

In this article, we provide a concise list of recommendations and cautions based on frequently asked questions and feedback from our esteemed clients.

Best Practices (The Do's)

  1. Making an impactful presentation requires having familiarity with the publishing software at hand; we recommend selecting one that feels most comfortable for you. While our clients have leveraged many different formats in previous projects without any strictly right way of going about things whatsoever - strong presentations share certain fundamental sections nonetheless Regardless of whether using Google Slides or Powerpoint's complimentary offering; what matters most is conveying all required details crystal-clearly so that your design company comprehends your ideas fully. Consider the options and pick whatever software program works best for you.
  2. A successful presentation requires optimal utilization of visual elements to illustrate key points and concepts effectively. Still, there should also be a conscious effort towards ensuring these graphics do not come across as frivolous decorations without any substantial value addition. Ideally, the images incorporated should aid our comprehensions by depicting competitor products as well as fundamental product specifications targeted for enhancement fully. Whenever possible and appropriate for the context at hand, visual demonstrations should also highlight how rival products operate with respect to their intended use cases or where existing gaps may exist waiting for exploitation by our proposed solution.
  3. Keep the amount of text to a minimum. While you can provide additional details and explanations in the notes section of your presentation, it is advisable not to overload it with excessive text. The presentation should serve as a starting point for discussion with your chosen company, allowing you to delve into further details during conversations.
  4. Would it be possible to have a sit-down discussion concerning your product idea and presentation? This is an essential step towards effective communication. While emails and messaging systems are great tools, they aren't always enough when it comes to generating a clear understanding such as through an actual in-person meeting, phone call or even video chat if travelling from afar. Ideally, face-to-face meetings are preferred so that the meeting can capture all the fine details of your proposal which could include bringing along prototypes developed so far or presenting competitor products for review purposes. Distance poses certain obstacles and given such enquires have always resulted in successful projects through alternate means including video chats and phone calls - preliminary information leading up is required either way however (such as concise presentations). Such info enables our project management team to develop robust SOW outlining key aspects of your project vision!

Common Mistakes (The Don'ts)

  1. Avoid requesting a quote without providing sufficient details. Without an adequate amount of information regarding your design requirements, it is impossible for us to provide an accurate cost estimate. Ensure that you share relevant details about what you expect us to design in order for us to offer a realistic quote.
  2. Refrain from presenting your idea solely over the phone without any accompanying visuals. Explaining your concept without tangible information or a presentation during a phone call is ineffective. To initiate your project, we require visual references. We encourage you to email us supporting visuals, following which we can arrange a meeting to discuss your idea further.
  3. Do not present an overly broad product idea or leave the design direction entirely up to the design company. Merely instructing your design company to "present some designs" without providing specific guidelines hinders our ability to create an effective design solution tailored to address a specific problem. If we were to generate ten design concepts, none of which resonated with you, it would result in a waste of both time and resources. Your idea should encompass certain constraints or guidelines to ensure a fruitful collaboration.

In conclusion, following these do's and don'ts will help streamline the process of presenting your product idea effectively and increase the likelihood of productive outcomes. We value your time and aim to provide you with an exceptional experience throughout the design process.

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